
How much does a regular janitor earn in the United States? Compared to Russia.

Рубрика: «Личное»
Автор: Bublik Bilong
Опубликовано: 28.01.2020 в 09:46:13

Hello, I wish you a pleasant reading.

I've been in America for over three years and I've learned a lot. I have found out how much regular cleaners earn here, as in Russia, I want to share with you. Plus, you'll be wondering what Americans call them.

I've been shopping and I saw an advertisement that there's an open position...

I was wondering what kind of work and how much for it.


Not that I needed a job, but to compare it with Russia. It turned out to be a job for a cleaner or a janitor, but it's called differently. I'll tell you what they make.
First thing I want to start with is a cleaning manager.

How prestigious it sounds, but it's an ordinary janitor, but in translation it means chief janitor.

All so that people would not be ashamed of their activities, because working as a janitor does not sound like the chief cleaning officer.
Let's move on to payroll.

In this store cleaning - manager receives 130 thousand rubles if translated into rubles.
At that moment I thought:

    "There's no such thing! Why is it not so in Russia".

You need to work 10 hours a day, the schedule is 2/2. But the work is very easy and there is no need to strain yourself. 

Just so you understand, the average salary in America is 300 thousand rubles.

But here, the lower the salary, the lower the taxes.

You won't live well or badly. Medium, but not like in Russia. If you do the same job in America and pay for all the expenses, then life in the USA will be better.
They look normal, not poor, like in Russia.

This is the store where I buy household chemicals, there are Russian brands here

    Would you have the opportunity to choose where you would work if you were a janitor or a janitor? Write the answers in your comments!

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