
The Message

Рубрика: «Личное»
Автор: Felitcitas Drobrogenzdratovich
Опубликовано: 13.03.2012 в 19:08:57

The scene that met his eyes was typical of the England countryside as depicted on Xmas cards and in old-fashioned melodrams. Everywhere was snow, deep drifts of it - no mere powdering an inch or two  thinck. The scene that met his eyes was typical of the England countryside as depicted on Xmas cards and in old-fashioned melodrams. Everywhere was snow, deep drifts of it - no mere powdering an inch or two  thinck. The scene that met his eyes was typical of the England countryside as depicted on Xmas cards and in old-fashioned melodrams. Everywhere was snow, deep drifts of it - no mere powdering an inch or two  thinck. The scene that met his eyes was typical of the England countryside as depicted on Xmas cards and in old-fashioned melodrams. Everywhere was snow, deep drifts of it - no mere powdering an inch or two  thinck. 

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