
Bird Photographer of the Year

Рубрика: «Мастера фотографии»
Автор: Мастера Фотографии
Опубликовано: 27.05.2018 в 11:54:03

В очередной раз подведены итоги конкурса Bird Photographer of the Year, в центре которого традиционно – птицы. Главное условие конкурса, чтобы в объективе были пернатые – будь то птичий портрет, птица в полёте или птенцы в гнезде.

Bird Photographer of the Year - №1
Bird Photographer of the Year - №2
Bird Photographer of the Year - №3
Bird Photographer of the Year - №4
Bird Photographer of the Year - №5
Bird Photographer of the Year - №6
Bird Photographer of the Year - №7
Bird Photographer of the Year - №8
Bird Photographer of the Year - №9
Bird Photographer of the Year - №10
Bird Photographer of the Year - №11
Bird Photographer of the Year - №12
Bird Photographer of the Year - №13
Bird Photographer of the Year - №14
Bird Photographer of the Year - №15
Bird Photographer of the Year - №16
Bird Photographer of the Year - №17
Bird Photographer of the Year - №18
Bird Photographer of the Year - №19
Bird Photographer of the Year - №20
Просмотры: 1465


delete (id184735)
29.05.2018 - 14:12:01